Bah Humbug to Winter!
I don't like winter much. I mean what's to like? You have to pile on layers and layers of clothes until you look like the Michelin Man. You put off having a shower until you've accumulated a power bill the size of the national debt warming up the bathroom so that you can undress without freezing your assets. You simply can't survive without your trusty electric blanket, which goes on as soon as you walk in the door so that it will be toasty warm by bedtime. The alarm goes off in the morning, and after you've finished muttering rude things under your breath you wait until the last possible minute to get up and consequently you're running late for work...
Chillblains, cold nose and ears, chucking water over the car in the morning to get rid of the ice, astronomical power bills, weight gain from comfort eating, howling gales, torrential rain - yeah, winter's loads of fun...NOT! Unless of course you're one of those sporty types that spend winter trucking up the mountain for a spot of winter sports. Bah humbug! I say. Winter is not my bag.
Now if we're talking about spring and summer (and even Autumn at a pinch) then I'm your girl. I'd dearly love to have the dosh to pop over to a tropical paradise for the winter and meander back to Godzone for the rest of the year. Imagine not having a wardrobe filled with thermals! Absolute bliss.
The person that invented Winter ought to be ashamed of themselves. Oh, it was you, God. Sorry, didn't mean to offend - it's lovely, really it is, great job...